Trail Development

What's Happening?
Faced with the challenges of the pandemic, NCMBA found innovative ways to continue developing the association by adapting to using online platforms for our meetings and consultations.
In the past four years,, we have consulted with community members, local First Nation Authorities, the City of Prince Rupert, and other local stakeholders and associations. We have also consulted with the Provincial Government through Recreation Sites and Trails BC (RSTBC) on trail development and expressed our community’s need for biking opportunities.
We assessed the viability of several potential mountain bike trail locations and secured a location for an asphalt pump track with the approval of the City of Prince Rupert council. We publicly surveyed the community in 2020 to better understand our existing and potential member needs. Our survey results have guided our priorities for the last four years and will continue for another 2-3 years.
2024 will kick off a major fundraising component for our asphalt pump track project, which will hopefully be completed in the year.
Our fundraising strategy includes securing several large grants, which will be used for the pump track's construction and completion in 2024.
MASTER trail design is in the works...
McElhanney won the contract and toured the site in 2022. We also continue to engage with local businesses and big and small industries for donations or grants, community fundraising support, and in-kind donations such as materials and labour.
We know you want some liquid sunshine, and we are working hard to bring Mtb biking to our community!
To learn more about our Asphalt Pump Track Fundraiser, please visit our dedicated page:
If you want to help by donating to either of these projects or have ideas you believe we can use to accomplish our fundraising goals, please contact us or DONATE.
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